Secured Party Search (Search by Lender)

Secured Party Search (Search by Lender)

A Secured Party Search (SPS) is a UCC Lien Search Report created by searching the secured party name. It is a listing of all UCC’s a lender has filed with the Secretary of State.

We can search by city (the city provided in the address of the secured party) or by county (the county associated with the city provided in the debtor address).

Each SPS report contains the following information:
  • UCC file number (also all associated UCC history)
  • Date and time filed
  • Type of filing
  • Debtor name and address
  • Secured party name and address
An SPS is available in two formats - an Adobe .pdf file and an Excel .xls spreadsheet.

Here are a few examples of how to use an SPS:
  • The SPS is a valuable report when used to compare against in-house files. This ensures that all filings sent to the state are consistent with what the state has filed.
  • Lenders’ names and/or addresses often change due to mergers, acquisitions, purchases, name changes, etc., thus UCC’s need to be updated to reflect the changes. An SPS can be used to provide a list to work from to file amendments and/or a report to confirm that all UCC’s have been updated. A lender’s Lapse Filing Alert (LFA) subscription with us may also need to be updated.
  • An SPS can be used to aid marketing promotions. (Note: The Kansas Open Records Act may apply.)
  • Many lenders conduct a lien search on each of their clients annually for audit purposes. Search Network, Ltd. offers a service, the Annual Client Lien Search, to assist in this process and without any information being supplied by the lender. Our first step is to conduct an SPS and then search each debtor on the report to find other security interests.